Application-Based Medical Eligibility Criteria Model of Contraception Use

Syurya Handini, Haspita Rizki and Saputri, Lita Angelina and Yuliva, Yuliva (2019) Application-Based Medical Eligibility Criteria Model of Contraception Use. Global Journal of Health Science, 12 (1). p. 158. ISSN 1916-9736

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Masalah kesehatan reproduksi termasuk keluarga berencana merupakan salah satu permas alahan yang belum terselesaikan pada MDG's .Reproduction health problem including family planning is one of the unresolved issues in MDG's.Menurut SDKI 2012 penggunaan According to the Indonesia Health and Demography Survey in 2012, the usekontrasepsi of modern contraceptioncara modern hanya was only57,9% dan unmet need 8,5%. 57.9% and unmet need reached 8.5%.Salah satu penyebab tingginya unmet One of the causes of high unmetneed dan drop need and dropout adalah keterbatasan layanan kontrasepsi. out was the limitation of contraceptive services.Pemanfaatan Alat Bantu Pengambila n Keputusan (ABPK) berupa lembar balik dalam pelayanan kontrasepsi The use of decision making aids (ABPK) with flip chart form in contraceptive service wasdipandang kurang praktis. seen as less practical.Kemajuan teknologi memungkinkan penggunaan aplikasi dalam berbagai keperluan termasuk pelayanan kesehatan. The advance of technology allows the use of applications in various purposes including health services.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui m odel k riteria k elayakan m edis p enggunaan k ontrasepsi b erbasis a plikasi. The purpose of this study was to determine the Application-based Medical Eligibility Criteria Model of Contraceptive Use.Jenis penelitian ini adalah research and development . This study was research and development (RnD). Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah bidan yang melakukan praktik mandiri di Kota Padang yang diambil secara purposive sampling .The population in this study were midwives in independent practice in Padang, with purposive sampling technique. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatifData were analyzed qualitatively and quantitativelyuntuk to determine the respondent’stingkat level ofkepuasan satisfactionresponden teabout theaplikasi . application based model.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian responden meng harapkan ABPK lebih The results showed that most respondents expected the decision making aids to be simple, systematic, not in “back and forth” form and pictures included. Hasil uji preliminary field testing menunjukkan bahwa 56,2% responden memiliki tingkat kepuasan yang tinggi terhadap aplikasi.The results of the preliminary field testing showed that 56.2% of respondents performed high level of satisfaction about the application-based model.Pada main product revision , dilakukan perbaikan dengan penambahan informasi dan gambar tentang metode kontrasepsi. In main product revision, improvements were made by adding information and images about contraceptive methods. PenelitianThis researchini invent the design of application based medical eligibility model of contraceptive use titled “Application of Clinical Decision Making System of Contraceptive Use”.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Institute Archives > Medical Science
Depositing User: Managing Editor
Date Deposited: 24 Apr 2023 04:07
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2023 04:12

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